Everyone loves life hacks, including the unconventional and risky ones. For hundreds of dog owners, clipping nails is a big chore (bless dog groomers) but with quarantine and government-sanctioned lockdowns, visits to the groomers are not possible. Well, it looks like the internet has been gifted a new hack for trimming dogs’ nails.
It started when a woman filmed herself on TikTok (@linds.shelton) wrapping her forehead with cling film and smearing it with peanut butter to distract her dog while clipping its nails. Interestingly, it worked.
Him: You look like a dork.
— MC Hammond (@mchammo) April 18, 2020
Her: I’m about to look like a GENIUS.
Reader: She did. pic.twitter.com/Xl0mzsIzoI
Many dog parents have now filmed themselves attempting the life hack to see if it really works. It became a hit and went viral as the #peanutbutterchallenge .
So I saw this viral Peanut Butter hack where you put peanut butter on your head so you can do your dog’s nails… and by George, it works!!! #dogsoftwitter #lifehack #QuarantineLife pic.twitter.com/qcqp0xFONF
— Megan Vaughan (@ElectricMeg83) April 29, 2020
Life hack for cutting dogs toe nails! pic.twitter.com/5sx0GdBuPR
— Giles Paley-Phillips (@eliistender10) April 23, 2020
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Rosie????Stella☮Hank???? ????✊2️⃣8️⃣ (@nosie_rosie_the_bulldog) on
What pup could say no to peanut butter? This owner shows off a nifty way to cut her dog's nails. pic.twitter.com/8JtU6yRrGs
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) April 27, 2020
Unfortunately, like a few good hacks, it resulted in a failure for some attempts. So, we can conclude that the hack does not have a 100% success rate.
Today, I spent two hours with a halo of peanut butter on my head just to fail miserably in yet another attempt to cut my dog’s nails.
— Alex Cohen (@voiceofcohen) May 12, 2020
How’s your quarantine going? pic.twitter.com/PUgZuriEna
Was able to clip three nails–better than my usual one–but the very clever "peanut butter on saran wrap" trick was no match for this absolute wuss of a dog who immediately figured out the ruse pic.twitter.com/pM9rugyNg3
— jena (@jenawithonen) May 11, 2020
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The #peanutbutterchallenge has received some criticism with some people calling it unsafe but it might be worth a try for those brave enough.
Will you give it a go?