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Halsey Can’t Get Enough Of Baby Ender, And Neither Can We!

Halsey is celebrating three glorious months with her son, Ender. She welcomed him on July 14, 2021 with boyfriend Alev Aydin. But even at age 27, she is being treated like a teen mom. She opened up about her experience in Billboard magazine.

People were telling her “you’re so young, and you have so much to do in your career, and you’re not married and you’re this,” she explained. Those negative comments were triggering. They created “feelings of shame,” when all she felt was “so full of gratitude.”

In her interview, Halsey went on to say, “Something really amazing happened when I did have my son, which is the absolute, glorious eradication and death of my ego. Nothing matters when I go home to him. He thinks I’m perfect and great and everything.”

She did air her feelings about guilt, though. Halsey says that when she’s working, she feels guilty about not being with Ender. And when she’s with Ender, sometimes she can feel guilty about not being at work. But she counteracts that with the notion that “I’m going to create when I want to. Hopefully, that means that whatever I make is going to be something that I’m just burning to get out there,” she says. “Because the only expectation I have for myself is to be a really good mom, and the rest will fall into place around that.”

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