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Shay Mitchell Is Expecting Baby #2 And We’re In Love With Her Reveal!

So one of our favorite celebrities of all time is Shay Mitchell. She is so open, honest (at least from our POV), and not afraid to take risks. She recently revealed that she’s pregnant with her second child on Instagram, and she did it in more ways than one.

First, she posted this absolutely stunning pregnancy photoshoot. She alluded to losing her Gram, and welcoming a new life into her life. She described it as a beautiful and heartbreaking cycle of life.

She wrote this in the caption, saying,

“Saying goodbye to a loved one while simultaneously experiencing the joy of welcoming another into this world is the great cycle of life. It is also my most challenging season to date. I can’t help but think this was the universe’s plan all along, knowing I would need other worldly joy to cushion the blow of losing one of the most important people in my life. Yet, this is proof that love, life and loss can profoundly exist all at the same time. Gram, I miss you every day. Little one, we are so excited to meet you. I breathe a sigh of peace knowing you two are already connected in such a cosmic way.”


Her next post was a Reel. It had a playful nod to her new pregnant status. She NAILED it!

But her Valentine’s Day post was our absolute favorite. Make sure to click to the second photo, and don’t forget to read the caption. It’s PERFECT.

Shay, congratulations on your pregnancy and your beautiful expanding family. We wish you the best in everything. ????

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