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What To Watch This Weekend: July 15 Edition

via Netflix

This week we’re feeling a little less inspired. We saw THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER last week, and we were so underwhelmed. It was so sad because Thor was one of our favorite characters ever. Now, we’re just hoping they can revive his story enough to get us interested again. Anyway, onto this weekend. We had a hard time trying to find something to watch at the movies. Nothing that came out sparked joy. So, we decided to stay home and find something on Netflix, and we found a gem!

This week, we don’t have any real recommendations because the pickings are a bit slim. But we did find a jewel in the rough. A film based on the Jane Austin novel Persuasion. Now, it received so many bad reviews, but we quite enjoyed it. It’s not winning best film in the world or anything, but if you’re looking for something to watch, while eating snacks on the couch and cuddling with your pup (or whoever), this is the movie for you.

Here’s the trailer, but if you’re going to watch it, we recommend just going in cold. That way none of the good parts would be spoiled. But if you insist on watching the trailer, view it below!

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