Despite having been through many hurdles, Diseree Clay took charge of her life found a new path.
Telling her story, she says, “Low self-esteem, abortions, molestation, prostitution, divorce, homelessness and single parenting have together and separately given me a front row seat in my own “classroom of hopelessness”. But with the help of my God, I refused to give in to the unhealthy and festering circumstances that surrounded my youth.”
“Determined not to quit and fully understanding that surviving hard times breeds both strength and resilience, I graduated from Grambling State University with a B.S. in Education and then went forward to receive my M.A. in Guidance and Counseling from Louisiana Tech University,” she continued.
Now, she is a ” transformational coach with the constant goal of helping women master their mindset in order to sustainably thrive in life, love and career through online courses, masterminds, and coaching.”
Diseree adds, “As a Transformation Coach, I expedite my client’s growth and change. I do this by shedding light and understanding on their goal and vision, asking probing questions, hearing what they do not notice in what they are saying. I also spot what they do not see for themselves, while untying knots that hold them back, and by providing them with unconditional support, all the while encouraging their self-discovery,”
If you need some help and encouragement with discovering your true glorious self, sign up for her “Think Big, Start Small™” transformational program through her website here.
Diseree says she was her own first client and is looking forward to you being her next!