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4 Ways To Make Sure Your Kitchen ALWAYS Smells AMAZING!

via Spruce

If you’re like us, you don’t exactly like cleaning. BUT when you get into it, like us, you find that it’s actually not that bad. And by the end, it’s actually something you don’t mind doing, and maybe you might even enjoy doing it, well, at least when it comes to the results. That is definitely the case for us, for the kitchen. It gets messy every time we use it (LOL), and that’s really the nature of everything. As we get more and more comfortable with adulting, we realize that with some simple tricks, hacks and tips, we can cut out the time it takes for us to tackle things, like cleaning.

Now, to take things a little further, after cleaning, it is super duper important to make sure that the smell matches the clean. With the following hacks and tricks from Rochelle N. Stewart, whose handle on Instagram is operation_niki, we will never worry about lingering kitchen smells again. Just keep up this regiment, and we’ll be home free!

The Garbage Disposal!

First up, Rochelle tackles the garbage disposal. Here, she describes that smells can linger and rise out of this area in our kitchens. The best way to keep it smelling fresh, is to clear it out, rinse it, and add her special mix of ingredients. She starts with small, cut-up lemon pieces, ice, and dishwashing soap, and then, runs the disposal. In another clip, she adds dishwashing soap, baking soda, and good smelling microbeads (especially designed for garbage disposals, found on Amazon), and runs the disposal again. In one last clip, she adds boiling hot water. Doing ALL of these activities will DEFINITELY get rid of any lingering smells. But if you only have a few of these ingredients, doing SOMETHING is absolutely better than doing NOTHING. In our experience, the soap and lemon slices, or any citrus fruits, will give your disposal a great smelling aroma lift!

The Refrigerator!

Secondly, Operation Niki, takes us to the refrigerator. She starts by vacuuming all loose particles and follows up with a deep clean. Here, we can use our choice of cleaning solutions. The best bet is something with antibacterial properties. Food staying in the fridge longer than its shelf life can cause lingering odors. So it’s important to discard food as soon as it’s not safe to eat. A good standard to go by, is this food safety storage chart here.

The Microwave!

Third, her video explores the microwave! Rochelle says the best way to tackle this area of the kitchen is with vinegar and lemon. It will help wipe away any leftover food, and lift any lingering odors.

The Trash!

Lastly, and certainly not least (and maybe the most important smell magnet to tackle) is the trash can! Here, she says it’s hugely important to stay on top of the trash by taking it out regularly. On top of that (and most people may not think to do this), it is wise to take the extra step and clean the trash can itself. Disinfect it and wipe it clean. This will absolutely help eliminate odors, and help maintain a nice smelling Kitchen.

Watch the video below. You may want to save it for later, we know we did!

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