Watching beauty routines has become somewhat of a pastime for us, especially during this quarantine. Self care is front and center now that everyone has more than enough time on their hands. Instead of going to parties, lunching, brunching and dinning out (on a regular basis), people are starting to spend more time paying attention to themselves.
With more time at home, it’s a great chance for us to fine-tune our beauty routines. One great way we get inspiration for ours is by watching celebs share their most intimate beauty secrets in the form of their beauty routines. Kat Graham gave us a glimpse into not only her nighttime routine (with her video for Harper’s Bazaar’s “#gotobedwithme series”) but also her natural hair regimen (for Vogue’s “Beauty Secrets” video). We’ve included them both below.
If you want insight on Kat Graham’s night routine, she exposes all of her secrets with Harper’s Bazaar. She not only shares the one thing she never fails to do (every single night) before she goes to bed, but she also shares her favorite beauty products. See exactly what she does and the order in which she does it, in the video below.
Kat Graham’s Nighttime Skincare Routine (For Harper’s Bazaar)
If you are a naturally curly girl (or not), you may want to stick around to watch Graham’s natural hair routine in the next video. Here, she goes into depth about which products she uses as well as takes time to actually indulge into every step of her hair care regimen. And let us tell you, she is not shy about letting us into her routine. She allows us full access to her hair, loose and beautiful, in all its natural glory.
Watch with us, below.