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No Equipment, No Problem, Do These Standing Moves To Tighten Your Abs!

Although it’s sweater weather, we still want to make sure we’re putting our health first! Moving our bodies, eating more green veggies and prioritizing mental health is key. To be our best selves, we must keep self-care high on our lists. One way to do this is to have a workout or fitness routine lined up for when it’s time to sweat.

If abs are your focus, and you don’t want to worry about equipment, this is your workout. This fitness routine, designed by the MRAndMrsMuscle team, is a HIIT and Circuit workout that will take less than 20 minutes! It’s targeted to be super efficient and make a huge impact in a short amount of time. Follow Viv, the “Mrs,” and try out her super targeted moves in the video below!

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