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Short On Time? Try These 3 Workouts!

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Sometimes, working out can feel a little daunting. At those times, it is best to have a go-to workout that takes all the guesswork out of it. The hardest part of trying to back peddle and pivot, when you don’t have the will or the extra time to do your normal routine, is knowing what to do in place of it.

Something is always better than nothing, especially when it comes to creating a healthy lifestyle. Eating something healthy is better than eating only junk, exercising a little bit is better than not doing anything at all. So we have found a couple of exercises for you to do when you have 15 minutes, 7 minutes or even just 5 minutes.

15 Minute Full Body Pilates Routine:  Thighs, Arms, Obliques

We love this total body workout from Blogilates!  If you have less than a half an hour or a just 15 minutes to spare, try this. You’ll feel great afterwards, knowing you fit in a workout. We’ve been huge fans of hers for years, and love her quick targeted exercises.

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8 Minute Ab Workout

If you have less than ten minutes, this workout is a great one to do. Concentrating on abs, this routine is a great add-on, wether on its own or with other workouts. Like the exercises above, this one requires no equipment, and can be done right in your living room, just clear a space!

 5 Minute Fat Blast Workout

If you don’t have 15 minutes or 8 minutes, then you can definitely find five minutes in your schedule to fit in some fitness. One of our favorite workout influencers, Tracy Campoli, shows us how to optimize five minutes for a fat blasting routine. The best thing is you can do this anywhere, try it out!

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