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6 Ways To Utilize Your Makeup Sponge The RIGHT Way!

via Giphy

We love learning new tips, tricks and ways to utilize our makeup and beauty tools. And in this day and age, whatever we want to learn is right at our fingertips. All we have to do is go to Google, or search a popular hashtag on social media. Then, before our eyes, we’ve got hundreds, if not thousands, of hits that can point us in the right direction. Whether you’re a makeup novice or a beauty guru, it is always fun to see how others are putting their tools to use.

Today, we’re focusing on the makeup sponge!


It is a mainstay in our makeup bag, but sometimes we wonder if we’re using it the RIGHT way. Well, that’s what this video below is all about. Amber V Cruz is a beauty influencer who calls herself our “makeup bff” (cute, right?!). We’ve featured her in the past, where she showed us her 5-minute summer morning beauty routine.  Now, we are turning to her for her top six ways to utilize a makeup sponge. Watch below as she takes us through each use! Oh, and don’t be shy. Feel free to save it for later, share with a friend who needs this, or keep for future reference. We want EVERYONE to know about this!


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