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Craving Chocolate But Want To Cut Out All Those Processed Ingredients? Try This Delish Avocado Chocolate Pudding Recipe!

via Keto Focus

Trying to eat right can be downright difficult. This is especially true, when we’re craving something sweet. We’ve all been there. We rummage through the fridge, then the pantry, and we’re just not feeling raw almonds… BUT we don’t want to blow everything with a Snickers, either. So, what’s the solution? This perfect, super easy chocolate pudding recipe should do the trick. In fact, all you really need are a few ingredients!

We found a recipe online while perusing through our Insta feed. It featured a mom trying to make a quick, but super healthy version of chocolate pudding for her toddler daughter. It looked so easy, and her daughter absolutely loved it. Of course, when we tried to find it again, it was no where to be found, lost forever. So, we found a couple of replacement recipes. One by Touch Massage Bar, and the other by Gina Burgess, both included below. But before we get into it, let’s just know that none of these ingredients are set in stone. Feel free to try different variations, and enjoy!

Recipe #1

via Instagram / touchmassagebar


Recipe Ingredients:

– 2 Avocados
– 1/4 Cup Milk (Nut Milk can be used, if preferred)
– 2 Tbs Cacao Powder (if you want a more chocolatey taste, add more!)
– 1 Tbs Maple Syrup (or your sweetener of choice)
– splash of vanilla

Recipe Directions:

Add all the ingredients to the blender, and just run it until it’s smooth!

Notes:  Feel free to play with the ingredients, add more or less, depending on the consistency desired. Even punch it up with a few added toppings, the options are endless!

Recipe #2

The Ingredients:

– 2 very ripe, soft avocados (but not TOO ripe)
– 1/2 cup cocoa powder
– 1 cup dark chocolate, melted
– 1/2 cup maple syrup
– 2 tsp vanilla extract
– 1/2 cup dairy free milk of choice
– Pinch salt

The Directions:

Just blend all of the above ingredients either in a high speed blender, or a food processor (if you’re fancy) and there you have it!

Feel free to garnish with your toppings of choice. Here, Gina uses shaved chocolate and raspberries. But if you’re like us, you don’t have the time for that and you just eat it straight out of the fridge. We like ours a little chilled!

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