Watching morning routine reels on Instagram is probably one of our favorite pastimes. It’s all about growing and maturing. When we don’t feel good about how we started the day, we, personally, feel like we’re operating in a certain air of “I should have done better” that lingers with us throughout the day. What’s the best way to combat that feeling? Change our morning routines for the better, of course. But where do we start? Everyone has a theory, eat a good breakfast, start by drinking a glass of water (which comes in at number two for us), but all seem to agree that starting the day by making the bed is one of the most pivotal things we can do each morning. It immediately takes us into accomplishment mode, and in such a short amount of time. Watch below as the reasoning is explained in a way that just might convince you to add it to your A.M. routine, too!
The One Thing You Can Do Every Morning That Will Change Everything

via Instagram / nazyfarnoosh