
Video Shows Precious Moment a Florida Woman Gave Birth in a Parking Lot

First of all, Baby Julia and mother and doing great.

While her entrance into the world didn’t go according to plan, she sure has put a smile on a lot of people’s faces.

Susan Anderson, Julia’s mother, arrived at Natural Birthworks Birth Centre in Margate, Florida with her husband, Joseph. But Baby Julia was really determined to come out before they could get into the clinic. With the help of a midwife, Sandra Lobaina, Susan was able to birth baby Julia right in the parking lot.

Through the whole process, Lobaina remained calm and helpful. Since the video went viral, Lobaina and fellow midwife, Gelena Hinkley, also seen in the video, have spoken about the experience in a Zoom chat called ‘Midwives Uncut.’

Lobaina said, “It’s so crazy because I we never expected for all of this attention, you know, and it’s just mind-boggling, but we are so happy that it brought smiles to people’s faces and it brought a little joy in the world during this craziness.”

Watch the video below.

Midwife Aids Baby Delivery in Parking Lot | NowThis

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