Health & FitnessLifestyle

3 Weight Loss Tips That ACTUALLY Work!

There are SO many weight loss tips out there. It is difficult to know which one is the best one for you. Of course, we know that everything won’t work for everyone, so with any advice, take this with a grain of salt. Figure out the best aspects and then tailor them to you, your lifestyle and your goals.

Recently, we came across one influencer, who we absolutely love, Charis Hichens. She is all about transparency and she doesn’t use any filters at all, which is SO darn refreshing. The results, her journey and everything in between are all unfiltered and raw. She is not afraid to be open and honest about her journey, and we love every bit of it. As with many influencers, as she becomes more polished, you may see her brand start to get more refined. As this happens, we hope she keeps all the inspiring content she’s been creating up for all to see!


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As you are looking for influencers to follow, it is important to note that people don’t wake up one day and have it all together. Hard work, behind the scenes, got them where they are today. Whether we like it or not, whatever is currently happening in our lives is a direct result of the decisions we made up until that point. So, if we want to create a better versions of our future selves, then we need to do the work today, tomorrow and until we get there. Hichens is living proof of this. Watch below as she shows us her before and after results from her personal fitness journey.


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How did Charis accomplish her goals?

In 21 weeks, Charis lost 28 pounds! And she didn’t starve herself or follow any fad diets. She lost about 1.3 pounds a week, which was comfortable for her. A lot of people on the same journey try to achieve the upper healthy limit of 2 pounds per week, but she found it was more difficult to stay on task. So, how did she do it? With consistency, dedication and these three rules, below!

Charis’s Top 3 Tips For Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals!

1. Be In A Calorie Deficit!

When it comes down to it, a calorie deficit means that you should burn more calories than you consume each day. It is the best way to lose weight, and it is proven and backed by results all over the internet. She says that if you stay consistent and do it properly, you will continue to get closer and closer to your goal. To help make sure you don’t burn out, or feel too much pressure to stay under the calorie limit, she suggests that your calorie intake should stay above 1500, at the minimum. She likes to stay around 1650 calories daily (to see a video of what she eats in a day, scroll down to the bottom). If you do this safely, and within a healthy range, you’ll have less opportunities for slips ups. She says if you stay consistent, the weight will come off and it will stay off!

2. Add More Movement into your Daily Life!

Now, with this tip, she is not necessarily saying you must go to the gym. She just means that you should do any movement that works for you. It could be dancing in the mirror, getting up and walking around your house every hour for one or two minutes, jumping jacks. Whatever it takes, just get that movement in, and get it in as often as you can. She suggests parking further away from the entrance, when going to school/work or even when you’re running errands. It will increase your steps and your activity in a simple and easy way. As an added bonus, if you can, going on a 20 minute walk would be perfect as well! Her bottom line:

Just get your body off chairs & sofas and be on your feet more!

3. Don’t Deprive Yourself:  Allow All Things In Moderation!

Not allowing yourself to indulge in your favorite foods, in moderation of course, makes for a miserable and dreaded weight loss process. It makes it much harder to stay consistent and focused on your end goal, if you can’t have anything you actually like. Deprivation makes it much more likely that you might give up or fall off the wagon. Foods are not “good” or “bad,” they are just about choices. Instead of eating a whole chocolate bar, eat one row (the shortest one though). Have a handful of chips, cap it off, and put it out of sight. Just don’t eat the full back. The key is MODERATION, it is the secret to weight loss success! For Charis, she says she has chocolate “basically every day, and it keeps [her] from bingeing on large amounts at, for example, the weekend when [she’s] feeling snacky!”

One of our favorite parts of Charis’s tips is her view on calorie intake. To see an example of how she stays in line with her calorie budget, watch her video below. Please make a note, that for her, her calorie intake is 1650, and that’s comfortable for her. It keeps her motivated and allows her to include foods she loves. Make sure to figure out what works best for you, and then just get started. Remember, moderation is key!


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