Something pivotal is happening in Iran right now, and we’d like to cover it, the right way. That means, we’re just going to present the facts, as we have gathered them, from reputable news sources, with absolutely no commentary. We feel the best way to lay out the factual events is through bullet points.
Mahsa Amini
- According to reports, a 22-year-old Iranian woman succumbed to her injuries after a brutal beating by Iran’s morality police.
- She died on September 16.
- In response, protests erupted across the country for over ten consecutive nights.
- News sources report at least 41 people killed.
- An outcry against her death bled into the streets, and on social media sites like TikTok and Instagram, making the world pay attention.
Amini’s Offence
- Reportedly, Amini was arrested for wearing her hijab too loosely.
- The Islamic Republic operates under a strict code of conduct, rules about how men and women mix in public, as well as how women are required to dress.
- Who enforces these rules? The morality police is armed with this task. It is an entity that enforces the government’s rules.
- They arrested Amini, and while in their custody, she died.
Amini’s Death
- The morality police arrested Amini on Sept. 13, while she was visiting Tehran.
- According to Iran’s security forces, they took her to a detention facility to receive training on their code of conduct and hijab rules.
- They report that she had a heart attack, and collapsed at the center.
- On Sept. 16, she died in Tehran at a local hospital.
- Her family disputes this report.
Conflicting Reports
- According to Amini’s family, the Iranian security force’s report is false.
- Witness accounts describe Amini being beaten on the way to the detention center, while in the patrol car.
- Amini’s father was not permitted to see his daughter’s body, but only saw her foot, which he said was bruised.
- According to AP, Amini died from a fatal skull fracture, caused by significant blows to the head.
Protests Erupt
- In response to the news of Amini’s death, people took to the streets of Iran in protest.
- They began on Sept. 17, after Amini’s funeral, in her home region, the Kurdistan province.
- Public outcries against the injustice grew swiftly to 80 cities, and hit a groundswell in Tehran, Iran’s capital.
- The protests have grown to an international stage, and have received recognition, and increased attention through media coverage.
Public Outcry
- The outrage in Iran hit a boiling over point as women took to the streets. Public displays of burning hijabs and cutting their hair have been included in their peaceful demonstrations.
- Iranian women have utilized social media sites like TikTok and Instagram to show the world what is happening.
- Videos of public outrage, shocking police assaults of protestors, and women explaining the current state of Iran have gone viral.
Iran’s Response
- The government continues to insist that Amini died from a heart attack, showing looped footage of Amani’s collapse.
- Police responded to protestors with tear gas, metal pellets, guns and batons, according to reports.
- At least 41 deaths have been reported.
- During protests, Iran instituted an internet blackout across the country. It is unclear how long they took place, but reports say at least two hours. Internet access was intermittently disrupted on other days, as well.
How Are We Here?
- Iranian women were gaining ground in their fight against the modesty laws, and in 2014, social media helped their campaign grow with more attention.
- In 2017, when former President Hassan Rouhani took office, the modesty police loosened their control.
- But when current President Ebrahim Raisi won the election in 2021, he re-instituted the strict codes of conduct and everything changed.
How Can You Help?
- Contact your representatives, tell them you care about this issue.
- Share FACTUALLY correct news and accounts about what’s going on in Iran.
- Peaceful solidarity protests are happening all over the world, you can find one and attend, but please do so safely, and do not attend alone.
- Find organizations that specifically focus on Iran: Abdorrahman Boroumand Center, the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) , and Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), and see how you can help.
- Make more noise about what’s happening in Iran. This will put more pressure on the Iranian government to do something about this.
Sources used: Associated Press, Condé Nast Traveler, The Economist, The Washington Post, and Time Magazine.